Ride to check water level at KRS Dam

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pix by Santosh
Finally i get a day off from office and wanted to ride it out. planned to meet up gyes at our usual hang out sat night. but the wheather ws cheating with rain getting generous in the weekend while totally dry the whole week. saturday night out turned to a movie with sanjay,praveenS and keerthi. thought would do some ride later but the shower was still on. Thinkin in lines of a ride still but went home. vicky messages for a ride to check the water level at KRS mysore.
11.40 we meetup. vicky, santhosh and raghu in for the ride. Sanjay headed to krishna giri for he wanted to rip and be back home for work. he warned us bout he thresours mysore road in dark with rain from his previous ride. But we were ready to endure some of it and i wanted to make the day count. hit the mysore road 12.30. let the rippin begin. bangalore- mysore highway 4lane construction over due still to get completed. with lot of deviations in the way. Nice time to test my new tyres and also bit worried bout the wobbling in my bike. but carry on any way. just wanted to ride all day. we whip our throttles to max and zipping between the traffic. reach MTR in no time. covering 60 KMs and have some fluids. now were bettor streachs from there on with the construction work progressed. many humps were removed. was total fun with all four of ripping crazy overtaking every vehicle and stay close too at speeds 100+. boy when this road gets completed would be one of the fav routes. pass towns and in search of the next strech of the highway. it was more fun i guess cos we were gettin good strechs in alternates so some suspence in it. at one straight strech i again touch the top speed of 116 with 10.5k RPMs. the new tyres doin good job but have to learn balancing on the new rounder tyres which leans at the slightest wish. with less air resistance and crosswinds was fun. we apporach mysore and were greated with bad roads. at the entrance of mysore at 3 pm.
was pretty hot so vicky sujjested chamundi hills as it would be much kooler there. then chamundi it is. wow now some twisties. Its all new to me now with new tyres which leans mucy more than i am used to. but tyre holds the road. but the twisties over by the time i get the hang of it. we take a lazy stroll around the hill clicking at different views. was pretty kool and dats wat we needed after the rip. could see rain bursts afar. yeah we gonna see some of it too. vicky the event manager cajoling us to planetX for lunch. but santhos countering to make it quick time. the argument coninues even inside the planetX about where to have lunch and how to save time. Could see some girls giggle at the camotion we gyes were creating hehe. Finally we have lunch there looking at gyes goin zip-zap on the go-kart there. vicky invites his cousing along. 4.45 by the time we start to KRS some 25 KMs. reach there by 5.20. loyter around there with santhosh goin click happy. had some pix at the top of the dam. the best parts of the dam were allowed only with special pass. so watch the water in the croud. Vicky trying to convince us to stay till 7.30 to check the lighting but santhosh wanted to make a dash for home. we also felt so and we left for bangalore.
7.30 by the time vicked dropped his cousing and we start back. with rain threatning all the time. had rip some time but rain happned. now this was scary with the wet road not reflecting the from the road and we din know where we were goin. santhosh in agony with his tinted visor. single lanes was more trouble some. got fraustrated and i hitched at tail from a passing santro and ripped ahead. he was doin good speeds. at one point was following him at 100 in rain, with visor down with only the santrol rear light at guide. was kinda fun but risky, had to work quicly when he breaked. reached maddur and leggo the santro and waited for the gyes. have some maddur vada and coffee. there was no rain this part so made the best use of it. was too good on two lanes with sparc cars here there illuminating the straight roads and we could ride full throttly crouching in the dark. was a real rush. its shivalli MTR by 9.30 we stop there and wonder why did we stop here its hardly been 40 kms since our last break. some fluids and we leave. this time good streachs bit sparce and made good use of it. now we encounter a fast moving bike. tought it was pulsar but was hoddibaba with two villagers on. boy was this gye ripping. guess he was at constant 80 be what ever the tarrian. so go ahead on good road and when we slow dowl for towns and bad roads this gye zips past us. this happens many times. after some times din see him. by the way he was riding must have hit sumwer i guess. now its rain again reducing our speeds alot and also a lot of deviations. vicky and santhos riding with visor up catch eyefull and we stop a couple of times for them to clear their eyes. riding was now pretty slow more of a "jaan bacho". but was fun tooo a different experiance. kinda liked it cos i was all warm and dry in my new water proff jacket. reach devegoda petro pum by 11.15 and split for homes. around 360 kms on the odo. dunlops nice tyres but have to learn twisties on them again.
did it sound like hard work? no way enjoyed every part of it. atleast me cos was pretty starved for a ride owing for work in office. with vicky and santhosh at extream ends in plannin the events. if vicky had his way we do leave mysore by 9.30 and reach home by 4, and if santhosh had his way we do skip chamundi and see krs and come back by 8. with raghu observing the planning n me giving gyan in between it evened out and we got go to chamundi and also come home reasonable time. din get sleep some time getting scared bout the way we rode on the way back. but was all heart when riding there. one more day i will remember.
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