Lazy Kalpetta ride

Play of Nature, enroute MeenMutti falls
Arun invites me for a lazy ride to kalpetta on sat morning. we start by 1.30 rip to mysore. Heavy cross winds made it a very fraustrating ride till mysore. Its all drizzling wet ride from then on.
We go to gopal swamy betta almost 6 in the evening. And the weather up there was out of this world. The fun begins. The mist and wind so strong that it was making our bikes fall and almost blew our helmets off the hill. Couldnt go up cos of ppl coming donw reprimanding us go down asap. Cos it was elephant area we were on 2 wheels. Funny the moment we come down a few meters the weather is all calm there. There was a huge cloud passing the summit of the hill which gave all the effects. Then its a rain ride in the dark through matunga wild life sanctuary and stay at kalpetta.
Sunday woke up lazily and went to the meen mutti falls through the meandering wet roads through the tea estates. The michelins doin a pretty good job on wet roads. Awsome weather. The local Thomas, pretty suprised at our wish to go to the falls in rain. Even Thomas had not gone there since a month. But arun was pretty enthuziastic and convinsed me for it ;). It was all misty and slipper. The trek was very streneous on the steep terrain with slippery rocks and slush. but it was all worth it once we saw the falls in its tyrenos glory. It was amazing the force of the falls throwing of droplets hundreds of feet. Even though we were about 50 feet away from the water, the splashing was so much that we could hardly open our eyes to look at the falls. Took our time grasping the environment. N a scary trek back up and made it without a fall.
Then we had delicious kerala special meals all for just 25 bux. We take some rest at the room. 4.30 by the time we start back to bangy. A lazy evening ride though Matunga wild life sanctuary. The treat of the trip, saw a heard of around dozen wild elephants with calves just 100 feet away from us on the other side of the pond. That was awsome never seen so many wild elephant together. We again have a couple of elephant sightings just at the edge of the road. Have plenty of breaks. We stop under towering bamboo shoots. They make this loud noice when they rub against eachother. Feels like tree is about to collapse. Frogs every where calling out in full swing. Kinda scary if alone. hehe.
Then a frasutrating ride till mysore in the raining 2 lane road. Then on a adrenelin pumping ride from bangalore to mysore on the 4 lane highway reaching bangalore by 11.45 devoring every vehicle in sight. All in a weekend and one more weekend effeciantly utilized doin some 650KMs. The timing was too good. It was also fun cos i was all nice and warm inside my water proff clothing and raining every where.
Do they allow two wheelers inside Santuary .... Coz we were going to kalpette via Rajiv Gandhi National Park ..... but were not allowed to ..... had to go to Medikeri instead ... :(
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